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Beginner Birding with Scot // Hayes Nature Preserve (Free)

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Beginner Birding with Scot // Hayes Nature Preserve (Free)

  • JD & Annie S Hayes Nature Preserve 7161 U.S. 431 Owens Cross Roads, AL, 35763 United States (map)



Event Description : Join us for a winter adventure in one of Huntsville’s many pristine natural areas, Hayes Nature Preserve, led by Executive Director Dr. Scot Duncan! Scot will lead the group in an Out-and-Back journey through the mixed habitat types of the preserve while emphasizing the basics of birdwatching. Scot’s vast knowledge, patience, and knack for simply explaining complex subjects will provide birders of all skill levels a phenomenal basis for their birding careers. This walk is open to birders of all skill level but will cater more to beginner and intermediate birders. Birders of all ages and interest, including those that may just be ‘Bird-curious’, are encouraged to join!

Scot will take us through fields, mixed forest, river bottomlands, and along the scrubby edges of the nearby Flint River in search of winter birds and residents in the area. The park hosts a variety of woodland species and is especially great for Red-headed Woodpeckers and Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers. Other winter specialties such as Brown Creeper, Hermit Thrush, and Palm Warblers can all be regularly found here while the fields can be good for hunting Northern Harriers as well as Savannah and Field Sparrows. Join Scot and Alabama Audubon in the quest to find these species and more while becoming a better birder!

Trip Leader: Your trip leader for this field trip is Dr. Scot Duncan and can be reached by email at If you have questions or accessibility needs, please do not hesitate to email your trip leader.

There are restrooms available at this location, and parking is free.

TRAVEL INFORMATION : We will meet in the parking lot of the preserve and depart as a group onto the trail at 9:00am.

JD & Annie S Hayes Nature Preserve
7161 US-431
Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763

Accessibility : We will travel as a group along the paved trails about two (2) miles total for the day. The parking lot has handicapped parking available, and most of the trails can be traversed with little trouble for those with accessibility needs. The trail is mostly flat and fully paved and has some benches for seating along the path. However, please note that if there has been any recent winter weather, it will increase the likelihood that sticks, rocks, damaged concrete, other debris, or wet/slick surfaces may be present and be problematic for some people.

Photography Owner: Andrew Lydeard // Red- headed Woodpecker