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The aim of our BLACK BELT BIRDING INITIATIVE is to bring the economic and environmental benefits of bird-based ecotourism to one of the country’s most economically challenged rural areas. Through field trips, special events, research partnerships, and national outreach, we leverage our expert staff and statewide reach to make a positive difference for the Black Belt’s birds and the people who love them.

The region features a mix of habitat, from open prairie grasslands to forests to bottomland swamps, giving festival attendees the rare opportunity to catch a glimpse of many species of birds in pristine settings.

As the Southeast’s largest prairie ecosystem, the Black Belt is unique unto itself. There is nowhere else you can find Wood Storks and Swallow-tailed Kites alongside Dickcissels and Scissor-tailed Flycatchers. We are committed to fostering connections in the region so that more people, from all over, have the opportunity to experience this extraordinary place.
— Dr. R. Scot Duncan, Executive Director

Already known for its historic civil rights and Native American sites, as well as for hunting and fishing excursions, the ecological diversity of the Black Belt draws the interest of bird watchers throughout the region and nation. We are dedicated to supporting and showcasing the diverse bird communities that flock to the Black Belt and we invite each of you to join us.


Held annually in Greensboro, Alabama, the BLACK BELT BIRDING FESTIVAL is an integral component of our aim to bring the economic and environmental benefits of bird-based ecotourism to one of the country’s most underserved and primarily rural areas.

Highlighting the birds, history, and heritage of Alabama’s Black Belt region, and offers visitors a rare opportunity to catch a glimpse of many species of birds in a natural environment.

The aim of the festival is to increase accessibility, and to provide entertainment and learning experiences, for all members of the community and new visitors to the area many visitors that support local businesses both downtown and in surrounding cities.

2024 Black Belt Birding Festival, August 2-4

Check out our festival events!

SWALLOW-TAILED KITE Donald Wuori / Audubon Photography Awards

Black Belt Birding Festival 2024

Spotlight on Business WAKA 8

Thank you to our Sponsors 2024!