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Audubon Outing: Key Cave NWR, the "Sinks", Wheeler Dam

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Audubon Outing: Key Cave NWR, the "Sinks", Wheeler Dam

  • Key Cave National Wildlife Refuge Kiosk County Road 204 AL, 35633 United States (map)

Cost: $50.00 Members // $90.00 Non Members

Capacity: 14 // A minimum of five (5) guests must sign up in order for the trip to proceed

DESCRIPTION / In-person: Join Executive Director Dr. Scot Duncan and Program Coordinator Andrew Lydeard for a late summer adventure to North Alabama to search for some of the area’s specialty birds in this unique section of the Tennessee River Valley. We’ll also be joined by graduate student Daniel Redwine as a special co-host with intimate knowledge of the region’s birds.

We’ll start by walking about a mile and a half at Key Cave National Wildlife Refuge to search for birds such as Lark and Grasshopper Sparrows, Dickcissels, and grassland species that bred in the area. We’ll then drive some backroads on our way to a local pond that can be good for waders like egrets, herons, and maybe even a White Ibis. While not required, a spotting scope or long camera lens will help aid in ID of distant birds we might encounter!

BIRDS: Swallow flocks congregating near the pond can include up to 6 different swallow species, including Bank Swallows. Pectoral, Western, and Stilt Sandpipers can be hiding among the Killdeer on the muddy pond edges. We’ll travel to McFarland Park to use restrooms and search for early migrant songbirds like Yellow Warblers before we head to a local meat-and-three restaurant (Milla’s Place) for lunch in Florence. We’ll then caravan to the ‘Sinks’ near Leighton to look for more shorebirds and waders, including rarities such as White Ibis and Roseate Spoonbill, and check a local barn for Barn Owls. Finally, we will wrap up at Wheeler Dam watching THOUSANDS of waders and cormorants at the rookery. Our waterbird specialist, Daniel, will try to find us one of a few Neotropic Cormorants among the masses and teach us some of his tricks for ID in the field! Sign up today for a summer spectacle you won’t soon forget!

County Road 204, Florence, AL 35633

Coordinates: (34.764047, -87.786035)

Andrew Lydeard / 703-606-8956 and Scot Duncan. Please call or text only on the day of the event if you need to cancel. Email inquiries about the outing can be sent to

ACCESSIBILITY We will walk about three miles total over the course of the day on mostly flat asphalt and gravel or soil trails. Although walking will be generally easy, sticks, rocks, and roots on trails and the normal heat & humidity of this time of year may not be suitable for all people. There will not be restrooms available until our 10am stop, then during lunch, and then not again until about 2pm, so please plan accordingly.

REMEMBER This is a daylong affair, so plan accordingly and bring plenty of drinks and snacks in addition to a full tank of gas, insect repellent, rain gear, and appropriate summer attire, a hat and sunblock.

REQUIRED Participants must complete the mandatory online waiver when registering. Please do not request registration for others when submitting your request.

CANCELLATION The event will only be canceled in the event of hazardous conditions. If you need to cancel at the last minute, please email or text your trip leaders.

Please continue joining Alabama Audubon as a member or donor to help us continue to offer accessible, educational programs and events across the state. Your generosity enables us to advance research, education, and advocacy efforts to protect birds in Alabama and beyond.


Through more than seventy-five years of conservation work in one of our nation’s most ecologically rich states, Alabama Audubon has seen firsthand how diversity strengthens natural communities. This same principle applies to human communities, which is why our organization is committed to providing equitable and inclusive opportunities for all Alabamians to learn about and enjoy wild birds, their habitats, and the natural world. One of the best ways to support that belief is by valuing and actively seeking to strengthen diversity among our staff, our board, and our membership. To that end, Alabama Audubon welcomes everyone to participate in our work, and strives to make our programs, classes, and events welcome, inclusive, and accessible to all.

Earlier Event: August 23
Dr. R. Scot Duncan Book Talk