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Andrew Lydeard was born in South Carolina and spent his formative years exploring the diverse woodlands and stream systems in Alabama, which led to a lifelong fascination with the diversity of the state. He graduated in 2011 from Virginia Tech with a B.S. in Biological Sciences, and his ‘spark bird’ was the Red Crossbill during an ornithology lecture on bill adaptations. In 2018, he became a seasonal Least Tern and Snowy Plover steward in Baldwin County, AL for Alabama Audubon (formerly Birmingham Audubon) and has focused on bird advocacy and conservation ever since.

Andrew has returned to Alabama Audubon after completing graduate studies at Murray State University and a two-year position as Lab Manager at the Savannah River Ecology Lab. He currently resides in the Birmingham area with his dog, Pickle, and spends his spare time admiring and photographing the birds of the southeast and especially Alabama.